All Posts by Viktor@WasaWebbproduktion

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Feb 09

Teknisk Säljare till EOL Vent Mining AB


Teknisk Säljare till EOL Vent Mining AB

Kort om tjänsten

Som internationell teknisk säljare på EOL Vent Mining AB är ditt fokus att bearbeta och
utveckla kunder inom gruvindustrin globalt, våra fokusområden idag är Norden samt CIS.
Våra kunder är underjordsgruvor. Din roll är att driva kundkontakter och affärer tillsammans
med konstruktörer och tillverkare. Tjänsten är placerad i Kiruna, resor är en naturlig del av
din vardag.

Om verksamheten

EOL Vent Mining AB är ett innovativt Kirunabaserat företag med som jobbar med allt inom
gruvventilation. Vi skräddarsyr lösningar enligt våra kunders önskemål, samt tar fram
tekniska lösningar för kundernas olika problemställningar. Tillverkningen sker externt i ett
nätverk av leverantörer.
EOL Vent Mining har idag 4 anställda, omsätter ca 30 mkr.

Mer om tjänsten

Du har kontakt med befintliga och nya kunder, oftast via telefon och mail från kontoret i
Kiruna. Du deltar i mässor en eller ett par gånger per år och gör även besök hos kunder,
främst i Norden samt CIS. Förväntat antal hotellnätter per år är ca 15-20, men kan variera
över tid.

På kontoret finns en el- och automationsingenjör, ni har ett tätt samarbete och ni samarbetar
även med konstruktörer, tekniker, leverantörer och tillverkare i era kundprojekt.
Här finns ett arbete i en dynamisk miljö, där du får jobba tillsammans med engagerade
kollegor i ett litet företag med positiv utveckling.

Din profil

Du har en relevant universitetsutbildning som civil-/högskoleingenjör tex. Maskiningenjör,
Gruvingenjör eller liknande, alternativt lång erfarenhet av underjordsgruvor. Som person är
du utåtriktad, engagerad, lösningsorienterad, flexibel och ansvarstagande. Självklart har du
ett stort intresse för att bygga kundrelationer och göra bra affärer, med kundens behov i
fokus. Du förväntas ha ett driv att utveckla vår affär på kort och lång sikt, i det ingår att serva
våra befintliga kunder samt att öka antalet kunder.

I din roll ingår att förstå kundens behov, tillverkningsprocessen och de tekniska frågor som
hör till den. Du är delaktig i hela processen, från din första kundkontakt till att utrustningen
finns på plats och fungerar.

Du pratar och skriver vårdad svenska och engelska.

Du har körkort B


Du är välkommen att söka tjänsten via mejl till bifoga CV och
personligt brev. Vi arbetar med löpande urval, sök gärna tjänsten redan idag och senast 31

Har du frågor är du välkommen att kontakta Samuel Anderzén på +46 70 211 83 59 alt

Besök gärna vår hemsida för mer information

Dec 23

A Backward Glance At 2022


A Backward Glance At 2022

Greetings from the EOL Vent Mining headquarters in Kiruna.

Once again, it is time to slow down the working pace after a busy year at EOL Vent, and take some long-awaited Christmas time off with our close ones.

We would like to tell you about some of the highlights from this year.

For us at EOL Vent, 2022 has been a year of both adversities as well as new opportunities.

The events in Ukraine have affected all of us in some way, and it has affected us directly. Partly since about 20 % of our market has been formerly located in Russia, and partly since one of our agents is located in Kyiv.

We took an early and clear decision to stop all of our business with the Russian market, and prepared ourselves for a year where many things would have to change.

And there has been a lot of changes, many of them for the better:

We could quickly see new requests from other CIS countries and Eastern European countries, many which formerly had business ties to Russia too. This is an exciting market to keep expanding into and exploring new opportunities in. We have also had a lot of fan orders from the Nordic markets, with a steady and high demand.

The lifted covid restrictions have of course meant that we have been able to meet our customers again – a very welcome change that we have been looking forward to. We took the chance to visit one of our customers on-site in Kazakhstan for their commissioning, which was great.

Finally, we have set a clear course for EOL Vent’s sustainability journey, and have chosen three concrete and actionable focus areas:

•    To develop and spread technologies that contribute to a better society,
•    To ensure a sustainable value chain,
•    To work proactively for circular solutions and sustainable use of resources.

We are looking forward to a new and exciting 2023, and until next year, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Best Regards,

Samuel Anderzén
CEO, EOL Vent Mining AB

Nov 21

How Mining Is Becoming Critical For The Sustainable Transition


How Mining Is Becoming Critical For The Sustainable Transition

Greetings from Tomas Bolsöy, Technical Director here at EOL Ventsystem!

We hope that you are all doing well in these turbulent times.

At EOL Vent, we have had a buzy autumn so far, with a lot of exciting client projects that we will be happy to share with you in the near future.

In our last news post, Samuel talked about the wave of new sustainable industrialization that is currently transforming our home markets of northern Scandinavia.

In this post, we would like to give you EOL Vent's perspective on the sustainability of a whole industry - namely some of our core customers:

The mining industry itself.

Let us show you three important insights that might change the way you view the mining industry and its role in the sustainability transition from now on.

The mining industry will be absolutely critical for a successful transition.

Almost all of the infrastructure and technology needed to reach a carbon-neutral world economy - including wind turbines, solar panels, batteries for vehicles and energy transition systems - depends on the access of minerals from mining. Copper, zinc, aluminium, graphite, nickel and silicon are some of the critical minerals needed and since the demand for all of these technologies are set to increase exponentially during the coming years, a productive and expansive global mining industry will be absolutely critical for a successful transition to a carbon-neutral economy.

According to a recent report from IEA (The International Energy Agency), the total demand for minerals will increase by between 2 to 4 times by 2040, mostly driven by the need for the great sustainability transition, primarily through investments in electricity networks, battery solutions, and electric vehicles.

That's an expected increase from today's total demand of about 15 Mt to 15-27 Mt in just below twenty year - it's hard to put your mind around those figures. It's a LOT of metals.

Recycling will help, but in short, the world needs more minerals.

Since metals and minerals could be considered some of the world's potentially most recyclable materials, shouldn't the current global output of freshly mined metals and minerals be enough for the sustainable transition, when combined with recycled materials?

The short answer, according to a recent report made by SveMin - the Swedish trade organization for mines and mining - is that recycling can indeed help cover between 15-26 % of the expected increase in demand by 2050.

This means that we can still expect a huge demand for freshly mined metals and minerals from mines. The recycled minerals cannot make up for the massive shift in resource use we are seeing in the near future.

And it's not just that the new green economy is growing in size - it's also about the nature of sustainable products. For example, a fossil-driven car contains about 20 kg of copper, while an electric car needs about 70 kg of copper.

Finally, since mines and mining will continue to be one of the world's most important industries for a sustainable transition, we at EOL Vent continue to work for what we strongly believe in, namely that...

Mining itself can be done even more sustainably and efficiently - and there's a business case for sustainable mining as well.

Since mining new minerals and metals will be critical for the global energy transition, one last task remains, and it's a task that lays close to our mission at EOL Ventsystem:

To make sure that the mining operations are always performed as sustainably, energy efficient and safely as possible.

We will be diving deeper into the details of how this can be done in the next post, as well as looking at specifically how EOL Ventsystem are pushing the standards our own industry into a more sustainable direction. 

Until next time! 

Best regards, 

Tomas Bolsöy
Technical Director

Aug 26

The New Northern Wave of Sustainable Industrialization


The New Northern Wave of Sustainable Industrialization

Greetings from a sunny north!

This is Samuel writing from EOL Vents headquarters in Kiruna, Sweden. Hope you are all having a good summer so far.

In some of our upcoming posts, we would like to take a look into the future, and let you know about EOL Vent’s work when it comes to sustainability, and our take on the current sustainability megatrend currently sweeping across the world.

There are a number of reasons why I think it makes sense to talk about this right now:

Partly, it’s because energy costs have recently become drastically higher than in a long time in many parts of the world, especially in Europe. Being an industry where energy costs and energy efficiency matters, this affects our mining ventilation customers as well.

Partly, it’s because we have to understand that this global shift towards sustainable business models - with global demands for lower environmental impact - is inevitable. It’s coming. And it will affect all parts of our own business at EOL Vent, as well as our customers businesses, within the near future, as well as long term.

We all have to proactively prepare for it.

And not just for environmental reasons, but for pure business reasons as well: Any actor who truly wants to future-proof their own business, and secure not only a responsible, energy efficient and climate friendly production, but also secure and grow their profits and total market share, has to be proactive about sustainability.

And whenever possible: Take the lead within their branch.

In this first post on sustainability within our industry and our clients’ industries, I would like to start off right at our own geographical doorstep, and give the spotlight to one of our closest mining ventilation clients in our home market who are doing just that – the Swedish mining company LKAB, and their joint project company HYBRIT.

There are remarkable things happening in our part of the world, and LKAB are currently leading what can only be explained as The New Northern Wave of Sustainable Industrialization.

Together with another Northern industry giant, the steel company SSAB, along with the Swedish energy company Vattenfall, LKAB are spearheading the great wave of the new Northern Swedish Industrialization, in creating the world’s first project for carbon free steel production:

HYBRIT, or Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology.

The HYBRIT project started in 2017, with the simple yet huge goal to turn the historically carbon-intensive process of creating steel into a 100 % carbon neutral process, replacing the use of coal - which has been a historical main ingredient in steel making for centuries – with hydrogen gas, which in turn comes from non-fossil energy sources. The only rest product from this process will be water.

This process is already a proven success, piloted in 2021 with good results. And the potential impact of this new invention cannot be overstated:

When fully implemented and scaled up (the aim is to do this by 2035), this new way of making steel could lower the total CO2 emissions of Sweden by 10 %.

That’s not only for the steel sector – that’s counting the emissions for the whole country, since 10 % of Swedish CO2 emissions come from steel and iron industries. And when the time comes to scale this technology globally, the climate impact would be significant – and again, so would the business opportunities.

No doubt, the investment that LKAB and the other involved parts are making in the HYBRIT project is huge, and very long-term – but as we said earlier: At EOL Ventsystem, we are convinced that going sustainable for real with your business model is the only way to future-proof your business. HYBRIT steel will not only see drastically lowered emissions – it will completely change the global steel making business. And projects like this spill over into other industries; we are literally seeing a wave of new sustainable high-tech industries spreading across Northern Sweden.

At EOL Ventsystem, we are proud to work with future-oriented companies like LKAB who are leading the way and setting new green standards for their respective industries, both in their own operations and through projects such as HYBRIT.

And not only are we looking forward to continuing to support LKAB in keeping the ventilation of their expanding mining operations as energy- and resource effective as possible far into the future – we are also looking forward to the day that we can do it using EOL Vent fans built from 100 % carbon free HYBRIT steel.

(In the next post, we will talk a bit more about why mining and all the minerals found in our clients’ mines will be absolutely critical in the switch to a sustainable, high tech and low carbon economy.)

You can read more about this exciting new project at, and give LKAB a visit at

Until next time!

Best regards,

Samuel Anderzén
EOL Vent Mining AB

Dec 16

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year



Christmas is a great time to celebrate success, as well as to look ahead into future achievements. 2021 has been a fantastic year of progress and innovation at EOL Vent Mining. For this I can only thank all of you, our employees, who made our ongoing product developments and strong customer evaluations possible! 

Here are a few of our biggest milestones in 2021:

Our new rotary heat exchanger proved able to cover 100 % of the energy requirements for heating fresh air, at down to –20°C outdoor temperatures. This is done by extracting energy from exhaust air. The rotary heat exchanger has a more sustainable technology than the techniques used until now and could completely eliminate the need of external heat sources, such as burning oil, for heating fresh air.

In 2021 we also launched our silencers for humid exhaust air. Its technology allows it to keep its functionality even when soaking wet. Also this technology is sustainable, based on smart design and features both high sound-absorbing properties and high moisture resistance. I am proud, and I hope you are too, that this component is made from 100% recycled material and now in full use in the LKAB Kiruna mine.

As we spend a lot of time adapting our products to each unique delivery, we have the opportunity to build strong customer relationships and a high degree of knowledge sharing. These relationships provide us with the ability to develop products that strengthen the mining industry. Our partners are crucial to our success. Therefore I also wish our partners, suppliers and customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to further great collaborations in 2022!

Samuel Anderzén
EOL Vent Mining

Oct 12

EOL Presents Moisture Resistant Noise-Lowering Material


EOL Presents Moisture Resistant Noise-Lowering Material

Enter your text here...

One common challenge in underground mining is the amount of water and moisture, gathering in tunnels and shafts. Below ground, it becomes a constant obstacle in all aspects of the mining activities.  

Because of moisture, and due to its own characteristics, it has always been hard to enable noise-lowering material to perform well in underground mining, since it tends to attract moisture and then loses it´s performing capacity. 

Good functioning and energy efficient use of ventilation are the essence of what we strive for at EOL mining. Therefore we are now happy to present a new moist resistant material, which also has a strong capacity to reduce the sound from fans.

The component is made from 100% recycled material and is now monitored and in full use in the LKAB Kiruna mine. At this point we are very happy with the results. We are also very proud to be able to offer this product to existing and new clients around the world.

Aug 15

EOL Vent Mining Delivers Explosion Proof Fans To The Russian Arctic Circle


EOL Vent Mining Delivers Explosion Proof Fans To The Russian Arctic Circle

Every mine is unique - not only in terms of the material mined, but also concerning
prerequisites of the mining environment and its surroundings.

This is part of the everyday challenges for mining companies.

Few mines can use retail bought equipment for their activities. The same goes for the ventilations systems, which need to be customized to the often demanding mining environment. Radon, fumes, gas, and temperatures are factors that have to be considered.

In some mines where there is an elevated risk of explosions, a specially classified mining ventilation has to be installed. 

EOL Vent’s international assignments therefore often include the adaptation of equipment to national certificates and local standards, as well as deliveries of specially classified equipment. 

When national standards are fulfilled, the next step is for our ventilations on demand system to calculate all factors and variables of the mine, suggesting power where it is needed and a lower amount of power where it is not. 

In our new customer assignment the delivery goes to the Russian arctic circle, and the installation will have to consider the elevated risk of explosions. We are very glad for our good cooperation with both client and distributor, and proud to contribute with our ventilation technique in this mining project

EOL Vent Mining Wishes You A Pleasant Summer!
Jun 20

EOL Vent Mining Wishes You A Pleasant Summer!


EOL Vent Mining Wishes You a Pleasant Summer!

In this summer postletter, we would like to tell you about the exciting development work that took place during the winter. It is our ambition to be an innovative supplier and we can now offer a new type of heat exchanger that will significantly reduce the energy consumed while heating air in mines.

During the past winter, we developed a new type of rotary heat exchanger that, in tests conducted down to –20°C, could completely eliminate the need for additional methods for heating the supply air.

We were able to cover 100 % of the energy requirement for heating to +1°C when the exhaust air temperature was above +4°C, the outdoor air temperature was above –20°C, and the air flows were the same on both sides. Since delta-T becomes higher between exhaust air and outdoor air the colder it is outdoors, the rotor will be able to provide more energy since the exhaust air can be cooled more at colder outdoor temperatures.

This means that the solution can be used even at temperatures below –20°C.

”Rotary heat exchangers are a fantastic invention, and with our unique selection of materials and in-house control technology, we are also able to avoid the rotor icing over even in extreme cold and with 100% relative humidity in the exhaust air,” says Tomas Bolsöy, innovator and owner of EOL Vent Mining.

In the described tests, the heat exchanger delivered with a temperature efficiency of 87%. In most cases, temperature efficiency is a good indicator of a heat exchanger’s efficiency. In mining ventilation, however, the supply air usually only needs to be heated to just above freezing to prevent the water from turning to ice in the shafts. A better KPI for showing the heat exchanger’s efficiency is therefore to calculate the energy efficiency in different operating conditions.

So far, and in the temperature conditions of winter last year, we have managed to show 100% energy efficiency.

In order to maintain a high seasonal efficiency over time, the system needs to both provide good output at different temperature intervals and be able to defrost efficiently. When the large masses of exhaust air meet the cold outdoor air, condensation forms, and there is a risk that ice will build up in the rotator. We eliminate ice formation using sensor technology that in less than two minutes reduces the rotation speed until the ice no longer forms and the condensation water drains as usual.

”We are very proud of the results we have documented and that we are now taking even more sustainable technology to the market,” says Samuel Kaartokallio, Project Manager at EOL Vent Mining.

In addition to the heat exchanger we are now launching, we have also worked on the development of related condensation-resistant silencers for exhaust air. This technology is sustainable and is based on smart design and recycled materials. It features both high sound-absorbing properties and high moisture resistance. We look forward to sharing more about this technology in the fall.      

We spend a lot of time every day adapting our products to each unique delivery. This leads to many strong customer relationships and a high degree of knowledge sharing. We are grateful for this, and in addition to providing us with friends all over the Nordic region and the world, it also gives us the opportunity to continue to innovate and offer products that strengthen the mining industry.

Tests show that our new rotary heat exchanger for mines is able to cover 100 % of the power requirements for heating at down to –20°C outdoor temperatures without ice build-up, even at 100 % relative humidity in the exhaust air.

May 01

New Head Office Provides Space For Further Development


New head office provides space for further development

EOL Vent Mining recently moved into its new head office in Kiruna. The premises are also housing a new workshop where EOL will continue its development of ventilation technique for the mining industry. CEO Samuel Anderzén is very pleased with the changes so far.

-Our move to a new address means we will have the space needed for offices and workshop. As we are growing, the premises have to follow. Now we are looking forward to a stabilization of the pandemic, when we will be able to welcome customers and colleagues to our new location, says Samuel Anderzén.

The new head office is situated in Lastvägen 51, Kiruna.

Mar 03

Welcome To Our New Colleague Samuel Kaartokallio


Welcome To Our New Colleague Samuel Kaartokallio

At EOL we are happy to welcome our new colleague Samuel!

Samuel is the new Project Manager for distributing EOL’s new type of rotary heat exchanger and condensation-resistant silencers for exhaust air.

In parallel to work, Samuel is studying to become an Electricity and Automation engineer, graduating in spring 2022. In 2019, Samuel made the decision to leave Lahti in Finland to start a new life in Kiruna. The north of Sweden has been familiar to Samuel since childhood, with a mother and grandparents coming from Gällivare. 

 After graduating from technical high school with a master in Automation for real estate, he decided to move north from his town of birth. Due to a job offer from LKAB and a large network in Kiruna, he made the decision to move even further from home, across the Baltic sea to the north of Sweden. In LKAB Samuel had a role within Electricity and automation maintenance.

Due to the pandemic, Samuel’s work start has been very different. Still, he appreciates the warm welcome from his new colleagues and looks forward to all the new things he will learn at EOL.

- I’ve always had a big interest in problem solving, to find the solution to tricky situations. When I was young, I had a big interest in motors and motorsport. This path led me into the automation sphere where I found a great outlet for my interests, Samuel says.

Right now, Samuel doesn’t have much spare time due to the double load of work and study. When he does have the time, he likes to spend it out in nature, hunting and driving snowmobiles. But right now, what he is looking forward to most is to develop his skills in mining ventilation.